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Our self-image

Our principles for our fellow students

  • Service from students for students: We offer our fellow students social events and study-related services.
  • Better study conditions: We are committed to the sustainable improvement of study and learning conditions at the faculty.
  • The mediating body between the student body and the university: We see ourselves as a mouthpiece between the student body, faculty and university.
  • Open information policy: On request, we explain to our fellow students which projects we are currently working on.
  • Party political neutrality: We take our responsibility seriously regardless of political or ideological views and behave in an externally neutral manner.

Our principles for the student council

  • Developing personalities and skills: We strengthen the individual in their work and focus on their individual skills.
  • Promote and demand commitment and passion: We motivate individuals to actively participate in the student council.
  • Mutual help and motivation: We help each other with problems and support each other in the implementation of projects.
  • Tolerance and (party-political) neutrality: We accept each individual and behave in a party-politically neutral manner.
  • Transparency: We involve each individual in decision-making and disclose information.
  • Democratic decision-making: We mostly agree on approaches and form democratic opinions on controversial issues.

Our principles for work in bodies and commissions

  • Representation: We reflect the opinion of the students.
  • Democracy: We emphasize the majority of opinions and accept these votes.
  • Feedback with the plenary: We always try to coordinate as many decisions as possible with the plenary.
  • Open study conditions: We generally reject restrictive study conditions and advocate for the most unconditional study possible.
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