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In addition to the extensive services and events we offer, we also represent you in the various student and academic self-administration committees at the Faculty of Chemistry. Below you can read what this means.

For further information about the central self-administration at the University of Göttingen, please have a look at this overview of the General Student Committee (AStA).

Do you have suggestions for improvements at our faculty? Please contact us, we are happy to talk to the responsible persons.

Student self-administration at the Faculty of Chemistry

In the faculty, student interests are represented by the student council, which is divided into two main bodies: the student parliament and the student council.

Student Parliament

All students of a faculty annually elect the student representatives for the student parliament, which is the decision-making committee. In chemistry, the student parliament consists of seven students, who decide on the budget of the student council and make personnel decisions. 

Student Parliament President

The Student Parliament president is the head of the student parliament and invites to its meetings. It is this office’s task to ensure that the rules and regulations are followed.

Student Council

Chemistry students are elected to the Student Council by the Student Parliament. The student council organizes events and decides how funds are spent in order to offer you the best service throughout your studies.

Student Council Speaker

The spokesperson of the student council represents the student council towards the faculty as well as in the central student self-administration. This includes the Student Council Assembly, the AStA and the Student Parliament.

Financial Department

The finance officer is responsible for the administration of the finances assigned to the student council. In this way, the financial officer lays the foundation for the services of the student council.

Events Department

This department has the task of controlling the various activities and events (beer-and-pretzels, tournaments, etc.) of the Student Council and ensuring that they are carried out.

Public Relations Department

Optimizing internal processes is the key task of this department. The internal officer is responsible for the quality management of the student council, so that we can present your opinions more efficiently and offer optimal services.

Education Student Representation

On a central level, a committee has been established for the students of the teaching subjects: the LSV. The student council sends a representative to represent the education students at the Faculty of Chemistry. The LSV also organizes its own events. You can find more information here or on the Instagram page of the LSV.

Representation for students with disabilities (VfsB)

The VfSB advocates for the interests of students with impairments towards the university. In addition, it provides a networking forum for interested students. The VfSB also organizes events on its own. Feel free to follow the VfSB on Instagram or visit their website!

Academic self-administration at the Faculty of Chemistry

The student council is also involved in the structures of the academic self-administration of the Faculty of Chemistry. There, we represent your opinions and actively advocate for an outstanding study program. Read on to find out in which committees we stand up for you.

Faculty Council

All members of the faculty, i.e. students, professors, academic staff in technology and administration, elect the Faculty Council, which is the decision-making body of the academic self-administration at faculty level. The Faculty Council elects the Dean’s Office, which consists of the Dean, the Dean of Studies and the Dean of Research. In addition, the Faculty Council sends representatives to the following commissions: Commission for Finances and Personnel, Study Commission, Examination Commission, Equal Opportunity Team and Appointment Commissions. For all these commissions, the Student Council also proposes student representatives, who are, however, only legitimized by the Faculty Council.

Commission for Personnel and Finances

The members of this commission decide on the use of the budget of the Faculty of Chemistry. This includes not only material costs but also financial resources for personnel.

Study Commission

In the Study Commission, which is extremely important for you, students, changes to the examination regulations and module descriptions are made. This means that decisions made by this committee usually affect you directly in the course of your studies. In addition, the Study Commission has access to the decentralized study quality funds that the state of Lower Saxony has allocated to the universities to improve the quality of learning and studying.

Equal Opportunity Team

The Equal Opportunity Team of the Faculty of Chemistry, in which student representatives also participate, is committed to the equality of all faculty members and diversity at the Faculty of Chemistry. More information about the Equal Opportunity Team and how to contact them can be found on this page of the Faculty of Chemistry.

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